View from Chalk Mountain |
I was hiking solo again this week, so it seemed like a good time to hike yet another variation on the Falls Trail at
Big Basin. Old favorites never die. You just have to keep inventing different variations on the theme. I have done at least 6 different loops to visit this series of falls in the last few years, but never this one. I decided to begin at
Waddell Beach, and hike to Chalk Mountain by way of the Clark Connector and the Westridge Trail. This route is a pretty good 14 mile out-n-back by itself. Chalk Mountain is worth visiting for awhile when I am craving some quite space. I love to enjoy the sun, breezes, long range vistas, and the stillness of this place. But today, I would not hang around too long. Especially after lazily sleeping in, getting a late start, and not reaching the trail head until just after 9:00 AM. I only stayed long enough to scarf a Clif Bar and admire the panorama for a bit. Then I was off on Chalks Road to cover the 2 mile distance to the junction with the Henry Creek Trail. The weather was not facilitating very good views anyway.
Westridge Trail |
The Westridge Trail is a trail you have to love or hate. It’s not the usual type of trail. It’s classified as a horse trail, which in State Park vernacular simply means, it’s not graded very well. There are some steep up and down sections, as the trail takes a direct route over the washboard terrain. Most hiking trails are gouged into the hillsides in order to circumnavigate peaks and gullies, and make use of switchbacks to gain altitude gradually. But this trail simply follows the contour of the ridgeline. Many sections also have lots of erosion damage which will cause you to watch your footing a little more carefully. Some sections are shaded, but most are not. Not many maintenance crews make it up here except to party. But as much as I enjoy this trail, I always make it a point to share the true nature of this route. It’s not the kind of hike that everyone would enjoy. In short, it’s a little more challenging, but it’s one of my favorites because it’s remote and peaceful.
Immediately after turning down Henry Creek Trail, I was looking for the unmarked cutout from the main trail that heads down the side of this little ridge to meet up with the Sunset Trail just above the Golden Cascades. The trail is an old park trail that is no longer maintained. The current maps do not show it, but it’s actually in pretty good shape. Lots of other hikers use this trail as evidenced by the primitive markers that are found along the way. It’s a nicely done switchback trail through some thick trees heading down to the creek. Crossing the creek will bring you right up to the Sunset Trail. If you check out my track log over at
EveryTrail, I have marked some waypoints at the two ends of the trail, and where it crosses the creek. Only experienced hikers should attempt this trail because of the lack of maintenance, and lack of proper markers. But the more people that hike it, the better shape it will be in.
Berry Creek Fall |
From this point it’s an easy hike down the Falls Trail to visit the upper and lower Golden Cascade, Silver Fall, and Berry Creek Fall. This is one of the most beautiful sections of Big Basin, and it’s always a much better experience in the wet season. After taking some time to enjoy the singing waters, you can then hike back out to Waddell Beach by way of the virtually flat Skyline to the Sea Trail. Total distance for this route was 18.2 miles with 3995 feet of total elevation gain. Of course vast majority of that gain is on the Clark Connector and the Westridge Trail. Check out my elevation profile and hike tips at
I had a great time doing this hike, and made quick pace back to Waddell Beach in order to be on time to make it to
Swanton Berry Farm on the way home. They are located on Highway 1 just north of the town of
Davenport, and they make some seriously mouth watering homemade berry pies, truffles, and preserves. I succumbed to the temptation and had a slice of fresh home made pumpkin pie, and an olallieberry truffle, and my mouth was in heaven for that short time.
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Click here to see my trip report on EveryTrail
I probably won't link the Everytrail gadgets here anymore because they seem to slow down site loading. But you can following the links here to see my trip report with GPS tack log and elevation profile.